Not that I'm apologizing again (I said I wouldn't)...
I've let a pretty big time gap in from post to post.
It's that "I'm human" excuse trying to come out of my mouth.
New goal: to get over my must-write-a-book-every-time-I-post TO write-it-down. post-it. make-it-happen!!
I have three beautiful littles in my life. Stuff happens MANY times throughout the day. I can MAKE the time to record at LEAST one of those moments. Surely, I can (yes, I participate in self-encouragement often)!!
Whether it be a blurry action shot from my phone, or a more focused, fabulous moment from my SLR -- I will try my best to get it to the blog!!
I am trying to stay involved with AWB with hopes and dreams of one of these fabulous bloggers giving me all the advice I'll ever to get photos uploaded faster, easier, LARGER. I look at some of these blogs and am AMAZED at how in the heck they ever got all of those images on there in a decent amount of time. My post on Baby Bean's Little Bird party took HOURS (and me, days) to get uploaded.
Enough ranting and raving.
I'm posting a few pics and calling it a night.
Sugar. This is her wink pose. Pretty darn cute if I may say so myself.
Spice. Spice? You say?
Baby Bean. Where did my baby go?
Goodnight and happy blogging!
Love our little Coffees so much! These pics are precious!