I ran a 5k in Texarkana this past weekend. I fed Spice around 6:30 that morning, and pumped some before I left (the race didn't start until 11). The Hubs had both the girls, and was going to attempt the bottle when Miss Spice got up for the day. Well, she woke up about 15 minutes after I walked out the door and had no interest whatsoever in the bottle! That little one held out until I got home around 2pm! So, Miss is still the only who has gotten her to take anything from the bottle............suggestions anyone???!!!??
On Sunday, my parents were in town for church. After the service we all headed over to Texarkana for lunch. You know those times you have envisioned in your mind that you can still go out to eat with kiddos and have a relaxing lunch -- eating peacefully and carrying on conversations with others? Well, this was one of those days that it was totally the opposite!! Sugar was everywhere -- she did not want to stay put. She crawled on the floor, all over the booth, she wanted in my lap, etc. etc. Spice was ready to eat herself, so I had to break out the hooter hider and attempt to feed her in a very confined space. This wasn't working out too well because bless her little heart -- her tummy was giving her trouble so she was a super squirmy little wormy! Meanwhile, I thought I was going to lose it -- trying to stay calm on the outside = temperature rising on the inside. Needless to say, we survived -- thanks Bebe and Papa for putting up with our craziness! The food was great!!
That same day -- we experienced our first visit to Chuck E. Cheese's. It was a little different than what I remembered as a child. Luckily, Spice decided for nap time while we were there. Sugar had fun -- she and the Hubs tried out a few games here and there. The Hubs and I re-visited the good 'ole ski ball days (I still think that if I had enough time I could beat him!)
We finished the day off with a very special Christmas Dinner at Babe and Poppy's house. Babe made beef tenderloin over toast with asparagus and hollandaise. We had a salad with apples, craisins, and blue cheese -- delicious!! And for dessert -- tiramisu! I enjoyed every bite -- thanks so much! Sugar and Spice each opened their first Christmas present for this year -- Sugar got a leap frog "puter" (it kind of looks like an enlarged blackberry -- so, she thought it was a phone, too), and Spice got these cute bears that say nursery rhymes. We were doing the dinner early because this weekend the SIL is having T! We are so excited to meet our new nephew!
The Christmas parties have begun -- Monday night we had our annual running club party. Sugar and Spice hung out with Babe and Poppy. Spice did some swingin' and Sugar helped Babe bake some Christmas cookies! It was nice to have some time to visit with friends -- thanks again Babe and Poppy!
I'll be sure and post soon about T -- wish us luck on our adventure to Dallas!!
Oh yeah -- if you see the scratch on Sugar's nose -- she encountered a little fall this week as well. It scared her Daddy, and probably would have given me a heart attack had I witnessed it!
Look at that cute Ho Ho hiney!
How do you people get the perfect family pic -- it seems impossible for me to get everyone looking at once!!

The following two pics is what I call "Good Travelin".....one down.......
two down! 
Checking out the rides at Chuck E's
Sugar while at Chuck E's
I was looking through my pictures the other morning and Sugar actually requested "take my picture mommy in my jammies"

How do you people get the perfect family pic -- it seems impossible for me to get everyone looking at once!!


The following two pics is what I call "Good Travelin".....one down.......
Checking out the rides at Chuck E's
Sugar while at Chuck E's

What cute pictures!!! We miss our little sweeties--it's been a whole week since we've seen them. These sweet pictures help.
Mom (Bebe)