Darby Kate keeps me in stitches. She is a little busy body. She is obsessed with her books these days. She says "I love my books". Which I totally love. She wakes up wanting to read, and goes to bed wanting to read. She's even turned down "shows" for reading (who would have ever thought!). She says cute things daily.......I'm amazed at her vocabulary and understanding of things. She is very particular about certain things........if she sees my sleeves pushed up after they have been down most of the day, she wants me to pull my sleeves down. She likes her food to stay in their little "assigned" sections. Last night she said, "thank you, mommy for tooking (cooking) supper -- it's licious (delicious)! She LOVES mushrooms. She is very animated and gets excited when she tells you certain things........like when Trev came home yesterday for lunch -- she was jumping up and down to show him where we had his lunch all ready for him. Words just don't do them justice -- I wish you could witness these girls in action! Maybe one day I'll figure out the video stuff on this thing......of course, it seems like I'm always late to capture the Kodak moments......
So much to say, but NO time! I shouldn't be blogging now.....too much to do!! BUT, I've decided that if I wait for life to slow down...I'll NEVER catch up on this stuff!!
Off to work on "Women Can Run" -- the clinic starts this evening!!
Here are a few pics from our "6 month" photo session......I miss my NIKON!! One little shake and the photo is blurry! Oh well......we have it documented!

Love the dialog and the beautiful photos! Our precious granddaughters--what can I say? We are so very blessed! Thanks for the wonderful post, Jo.
Mom (Bebe)
I just love those little girls to pieces!! They are too cute. I am excited about our fishing trip so that they can all be together.