This may have been the 2nd day in her life that she has had something on her feet.....she didn't know what to think about those shoes!!
Sweet Little Bean is FOUR MONTHS OLD!!! CanNOT believe it! Words cannot express how much I love this little girl. She is sweet as can be, a wonderful joy, ...I just can't get enough of her! I truly have enjoyed the tiny baby phase. I love watching her. Watching her develop in all aspects is seriously amazing. We have not had her 4 month well-visit yet, so I do not have updated statistics, but this is what she is doing now:
She is doing much better at night. We are doing our best to have her in bed by 7:30. She has been waking at least once in the night, but is okay with Daddy getting her re-swaddled and settled back down (which he does a fantastic job, I might add!). She will sleep until 7 or 8. Back in bed by 9. Up and playing and eating again around 11. Back in bed around 1. You get the picture. She loves hanging out in her "lounge chair". She loves to be outside. She is smiling and cooing a lot. She really takes everything in and watches her two big sisters. They make her laugh the most and biggest. She is rolling from her belly to her back. She has discovered her hands and is beginning to reach. She sucks her thumb/fingers every chance she gets, but we are encouraging the pacifier when we can. She is very laid back and mild mannered. She does well during bath time, but I can't say that I can tell whether or not if she LOVES it. She looks at me with these eyes that completely melt my heart. SHE IS A LITTLE DOLL!!!
I love Baby Lola's expressions! She is so, so sweet and gorgeous! I think Lola favors DK more than she favors JC, but they each have their own beauty!