Trip to Red River, NM
Day 1:
We were packed down like the Beverly Hillbillies. I think we left around 45 minutes past our proposed goal time of departure (not bad for me -- just ask the hubs. nevermind. please don't!).
Our goal was to drive around 4-5 hours, spend the night in a hotel, wake up early and knock-out the rest of the trip the following day.
The girls were occupied with electronic devices and movies galore. I know. Not like how we use to do it with silly songs and road games, but come on folks -- we had a LONG way to go!
Unfortunately, along with road trips comes public bathrooms. Oh, there's not much more I despise than public restrooms. Oh yeah -- public restrooms with KIDDOS.
I think the hubs called the first pitstop. I had to give him a hard time on that one. Usually, the GIRLS get blamed for having to stop first. Not this time!!
We took turns taking care of Mother Nature's call. It was my turn to take Spice. She walked in the stall and said NO WAY!! I'm NOT using's BROKEN!!
I did my best to convince her otherwise. Her sister and I had proven that the potty was NOT broken -- it worked perfectly well.
This did not convince her. She REFUSED to go.
UGH. So, we still had to go through the drill of washing hands, yadda yadda. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if she didn't insist on getting her OWN soap (that she couldn't reach), turning on the water (that she couldn't reach) and activating the paper towel doohicky (that she couldn't reach).
No......I've NEVER been told I was anything like that. (yeah, right)
She finally let me help her, and things went smoothly from there.
Next stop: BRAUM'S!!
This is a traditional stop for Hot Coffee when he heads out West on one of his hunting trips. I can't say that I share his love for this tradition, but hey -- I'm not one to mess with tradition!
The girls loved it! They really don't mind where we stop -- they LOVE to eat in a restaurant of any kind. They both LOVE McDonald's (or "Hot Donald's" as Spice calls it). So, any chance we get to eat somewhere other than Micky D's -- we take it!
They ESPECIALLY loved their mini-milkshakes!!
We tried to get the girls to take a potty break before getting back on the road. I went in with Spice. She walked in -- NOOOOOOO!!! I'm NOT using that potty -- it's BROKEN!!
Same song, second verse.
I tried convincing her once again.
It doesn't work AGAIN!!
I'm getting worried at this point.
What the hey-diddle-diddle???
I wasn't going to force good in that. So...
Back on the road we go.
Bellies full, and Spice's bladder full as well (surely).
I kept thinking the girls would pass out soon after dinner. Those little energizer bunnies kept going, and going, and going, and going...
Spice passed out after 10:30 or so, and Sugar made it past midnight!!
We finally made to where the hubs had us google mapped for our first pitstop. (I honestly don't know if ACTUALLY did this, but he is totally into google maps -- so, why not?)
The hubs went in to get us checked in and I stayed out in the car with the sleeping babes.
Shortly after he went in I received a text.
"they are completely booked"
This is seriously one of the few times that we just hopped in the car with a "plan" to stop somewhere along the way, book a room for the night, and continue our journey.
Geez, Louise.
On we go. I'm not super excited, but what do you do? KEEP CALM and WHOOO PIG ON, right? (whatever that means -- go HOGS ;) )
So thankful that the hubs is able to continue behind the wheel -- I do my best to stay up for support. We started calling ahead to the next town to make SURE that there were rooms available. After one particular call, I found myself attempting to converse with someone who could barely speak English, and they were trying to have me give my credit card number to them to reserve a room because she could not "guarantee" the room would still be available once we arrived to our destination. FIRST of all, you're trying to tell me that at 2am the hotel has a chance of being flooded with folks trying to book a room and SECOND of all our destination was TEN minutes out.
GOOD LUCK with that, Lady!!
(no, of course I didn't say that.....but, I was THINKING it!!)
When we finally arrived to the next town -- this time there WAS room in the inn!
We made it up to our room.
As everyone was getting teeth brushed and settled in, Spice was so excited to see the potty -- IT's NOT BROKEN!! IT's NOT BROKEN!!
The lightbulb went off.
The seat. The seat was a complete lid as opposed to one with a little cut out in the front. THAT was what she was talking about!! Oh, that girl!
NOT Broken
She threw me for a loop! Unfortunately, most public restrooms have "broken" potties.
Oh dear, we were in for a time with that one!!
Time for lights out.
ALL was well in this mama's world. I missed my sweet baby, Bean, but was thankful to be safe and sound and snuggled up with my crew.
Next up: DAY 2
The poor little chickie must be in training to be a mom (cast-iron bladder and all)! :) This was a cute and entertaining tale, and I'm glad for your sake you finally found a whole potty! :)