She's running -- for real! And, she's pretty quick! I hope she continues to enjoy running -- she'll be ready for the Melon Mile come August. She loves to dance and sing. She holds her mouth open and shakes her head from side to side for her singing face -- I need to get it on video. She says "bye" a lot more now. She still waves real big, too. My blogging has been fairly sporadic lately, so forgive me if I repeat myself. I keep a journal, too -- so, sometimes I think I've written stuff I've blogged and vice versa. So -- I can't remember whether or not I've mentioned that she learned to drink through a straw a couple of weeks ago. We were both pretty excited about it. We hadn't worked on it too much -- I guess I always had a sippy cup with us, and we just used that. But, once she had it down -- she preferred drinking through a straw to the sippy. This will make restaurant times a little easier. She is giving super big hugs and sugars these days. Loves to play with other kiddos, and tackle them and hug them. Basically, she is a blast and we are loving every minute of it!
these next of pics were taken a couple of weeks ago at Bebe's and Pappa's
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