Things are going well. Alien belly is in full effect. This little Coffee is an active one. I'm so excited to know if we are talking HE or SHE. I have had many boy guesses these days. Every now and then a girl guess will slip in there, but I must say -- I have gotten mostly boy guesses. I guess they have a 50% chance of being right!
Things are staying fairly hectic with house stuff and preparing for Baby. Mom came down today to help with a few last minute things. And of course, I'm still not 100% ready. It's amazing how much stuff we had ready for Miss Darby Kate. And the tiny little clothes -- I can't believe that she was ever that tiny, and that this little baby will be tiny. I don't think it will sink in -- maybe once they are here..............maybe then.
The name selections are still kinda up in the air. I thought we had finalized a couple, but after a conversation Trevor and I had the other night........let's just say it put too many doubts in this pregnant girl's mind (it doesn't take much these days). I'm getting out the name book tonight. We'll see what happens.
Darby Kate is such a joy -- I'm trying to cherish each and every minute I have with her. I must admit, it is challenging at times. She wants me to hold her a lot (which I love), but it can be difficult with this huge belly. I am anxious to see what she thinks of the baby. I know it will be different at first, but I know she will be a great big sister. She is talking so much these days -- her little personality is so funny!
These were taken before church yesterday. What a character!

What a cutie! Darby Kate is going to be a great big sis! I cannot believe you are just 10 days away from your due date!!! Keep us posted. We can't wait to see him or her! Good luck with everything!