We have meetings, trips to the doctor, baby shopping prep in LR, Kiwanis chicken dinner, parties and watermelon festival events to tie up the rest of the week -- not to mention all of the house stuff as well -- so, I have a feeling this week will rush right on through. That is, if everything with Trev is okay. I know surgery is the last thing he wants, but whatever he needs to get better is what we've got to do!
I think I am actually caught up on pics pretty much. After the b-day party, I didn't do so great with taking pictures -- but here are a few recent ones. Darby Kate has the cutest personality these days. She is really expressing herself and letting us know EXACTLY what she wants (and when she wants it -- which is usually pronto!) She is very loving, but still has that shy side around those she doesn't know very well. She loves to run and hop, hop, hop around. I love it when she comes up to me and grabs me around the neck and says "I doshu, Mommy. I doshu!!" ( I got you, mommy. I got you!) She pronounces "okay" similar to a character we all know and love (Buckwheat) -- "otay" -- it's too cute! She requests certain foods and is no longer tricked by substitutes. The dressing situation is somewhat improved (however now that it is in black and white, I'm sure that will change). If I give her two options and she gets to pick -- things usually turn out okay. Bedtime is so-so. She has put up a fight a night or two, and usually throws in several stall tactics. I knew that one week of her sleeping 13-14 hrs a night would be short-lived.
Hope everyone has a great day!

Is there no end to the depth and bredth of Darby Kate's cutness and beauty? I'm beginning to see the importance of attractive grand parents and the resulting beauty of said grand child! :) Dud