As usual, the intensity of some situations have faded away over the past couple of weeks. I just can't seem to get them documented at the time they occur, and therefore the dramatic details don't have the same effect. Lets see......The weekend of Maggie's party was pretty hectic. The girls and I stayed in Arkadelphia while Trev did some hunting. I got up early and went to the Spa 10k/5k in Hot Springs. Meanwhile back at the Baker House, little Miss Jorgia refused to take a bottle until I got home. Mom said the only time she really fussed was when she put the bottle to her mouth. That little one has a stubborn streak like her big sis!! After the 5k, I hopped in the car, picked up the girls in Arky, and took off for Hope to pick up Trev. We picked up Trevor and headed for Dallas for Maggie's 2nd B-day party. The party was so much fun and had so many cute details (many pics below!). After the party we were "On the road again" and went back to Hope -- all that traveling in ONE day!!! It was pretty exhausting, but worth it so that we could see everyone and do everything!
The Thanksgiving holidays also fell within this two week period. Food, Family and Fun!! We were Arkadelphia Wednesday night to celebrate with my family. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures on my camera (mom must have had her camera out). Will have to get some and post them later. The food and fellowship was so fun -- the kids had a blast running and squealing all over the place. Things were lively and happenin'!! We stayed with them that night and went to Hot Springs to be with Trevor's fam on Thanksgiving Day. Once again, the food and fellowship were wonderful. The girls had a great time -- a few scraps -- but, ended the evening with a hug and a smile! :)
A lifelong friend of mine, Jesseca, was in town over the holidays. I was so glad that our kiddos were able to see each other and that we were able to visit. We always try to meet up at Mom's for some sweet tea. We have lots of laughs catching up and talking about what is going on in our lives. Four kiddos definitely adds some activity to the mix!! We had fun seeing and playing with Jack and Miss Mary Lou, Jesseca!!
Well, if I'm ever going to get this posted -- I better go ahead and do it. I have to add Jorgia's 3 month post -- so, I still have MORE pictures from this two-week period as well as what the girls are saying (yes, BOTH are talking!! :) ) Gotta get some new-house stuff taken care of!!! Hope everyone is doing well -- have a great day!!
Maggie's 2nd B-day Party!! Theme: LadyBugs!
What a great time! A successful party -- it's all about the details..........
Dixie, Clancy, and Linda Lee did all the work for the party -- they did a wonderful job! Look at the oh-so-cute cake!!
precious ladybug cupcakes
these little bug crackers were delicious as well as cute! cream cheese on Ritz with tomatoes for the wings, black olives for the head and chives for the antennas! Yum-o!
grapes and strawberries went well with the black and red theme

Ladybug tree
fishin' for ladybugs (apples)

decorating their cupcakes

another activity was to make these super-cute reindeer with their feet and hands
Here is DK -- ready to party!!
LL and Jorgia spending some time

Babe and the girls
yummy icing!

sweet little Jorgia just bounced from lap to lap
bouncin' with Poppy

what a sweetie!
DK having her foot painted to make her deer

As Darby Kate says, "Ta Da!!!!"
Jorgia made one, too!!
grapes and strawberries went well with the black and red theme
Ladybug tree
decorating their cupcakes
sweet little Jorgia just bounced from lap to lap
what a sweetie!
Loved this posting! Busy, busy times=fun, fun times!!!
Mom (Bebe)