As far as blogging.....I've left space for my missing weeks, but have yet to go back and post pics. The way this does -- I think I will have to let you know when I do because you will have to scroll down past previous ones. We'll just cross that little 'ole bridge when we come to it.
This week has flown by just like all the others have lately. Thursday was really crazy -- I was getting ready for the WCR clinic when I received a call from my brother saying that Dad was having emergency surgery. An appendectomy no less. Then he proceeds to tell me that Mom was in the process of walking to the hospital. I was like, "What in the world?!?". For those of you who know the proximity of my parent's house to the hospital, this isn't the worst scenario in the world......I just found it odd and somewhat concerning that if my dad was having "emergency" surgery -- my mom chose this time to take a stroll to the hospital. They have lived in Arkadoo around 40 YEARS, know all their neighbors, and she didn't call someone for a ride? I was worried about her state of mind at this point. SO -- against her wishes (she told me I didn't need to come) -- I headed to Arkadelphia. This was around 2:30, and I needed to be back to Hope by 5:30 for the clinic. I made it to the hospital to find Bev in decent spirits and sound mind (believe it or not). I was glad I was there to keep her company while we waited for Dad to get out of surgery. It took a little longer than they estimated (doesn't it always?) -- but, fortunately - everything went well. The surgeon even did a few extra tweaks here and there (so he said). I didn't get to see dad afterward, but headed back to Hope. We had a so-so turn-out for the clinic, and I immediately rushed home to get ready for Beads, Bags and the Big Apple. Quite the social event in Hope -- and a really fun time! It was nice to have some girl time and visit and SHOP! My little DK was waiting up for me when I got home that night. Whew --- what a day! Dad is now feeling much better (he had a few rough days of nausea and soreness........I can tell he is better because he is talking about chicken fried steak again -- his favorite "vegetable") :)
We stayed in Hope most of the weekend -- we are prepping for a garage sale for this coming Saturday (come one, come ALL). We still have much work to do, but at least we are moving in the right direction. Sunday, we went to Sunday School and church -- then headed out to HS to visit a friend and watch the Oscar's at Babe's and Poppy's. On the way there, we stopped in Arkadoo to drop off Miss Mattie Rose and check on Big Pappa the patient. We had considered staying in HS, but by the time we left Dixie's-- it was so late -- we decided to drive home that night. We arrived in Hope at the wee hour of 1 AM. DK was out. I fed Jorgia and headed to bed. At 3, she was back up. I decided to try her first night of crying it out. Bless her little heart. She cried for a while (I was in and out of conscientiousness -- I'm not sure if that's the word I want, but according to spellcheck........oh well, I was in and out of it). But when she was finished, I heard her snubbing and it just broke my heart. She is just the sweetest thing in the world, and I hated to do it -- but, I think it's the only way we are going to get her to sleep through the night. And guess what.......when I saw her around 7:30 that morning......she gave me the sweetest smile! Thank goodness she doesn't hold grudges!!
Monday evening, we had Linda Lee over for dinner. As much as I love to cook, for some reason -- catastrophe strikes when I try to cook a nice dinner for someone or a group of people. I think I plan things out. I think I'm prepared. But when it comes time to execute -- things just fall apart. I don't have time for details, but let's just say.......thank goodness LL is family and understanding! We enjoyed her visit very much, and I hope my cooking won't keep her from coming again! (thanks for your patience, LL) :)
The beautiful weather yesterday brought out our biggest crowd yet at the track! Yeah -- I hope it continues! Afterward, we had our Sunday School Class monthly dinner. The food was good and the kids had a great time!
Those are the things we are up to lately........and I haven't even said anything about what Miss DK is saying these days. I'm sure I'll have a list a mile long next time. Have a nice evening!
Oh yeah - if you feel as though I'm showing many more pics of Jorgia than DK these days -- you're right. Darby Kate is going through a little phase of not wanting her picture taken. Someone once told me I did the same thing...........what goes around........
Love it, as usual! Love reading your take on Dad's surgery episode and very thankful he is so much better. We are so, so blessed! These pictures are just too precious for words!
Mom (Bebe)
The girls are so beautiful!! So cute pictures!