I am so glad that I keep a daily journal. I wish I was better about keeping up with the blog. Alright, enough lamenting........Darby Kate is just growing up I tell ya! She thinks she is such a big girl, and for the most part -- she's right. I do still have her in her crib. She gets out on her own each morning, but she is very cautious. I know -- I need to make the transition. But, I'm convinced she likes her little cubby-bed. Although, she spent this last weekend at Babe's house in Hot Springs and spent two nights by herself in a big girl bed!!! Way to go DK!! Babe and Poppy took Darby Kate to LR to see Disney on Ice -- from the pictures and from what Dixie said -- she really loved it!
Bebe and Pappa kept Jorgia for her first 24 hours away from mommy not too long ago.......and, it actually went okay. She only woke up once in the night, and took the bottle just fine. I was in a panic about it because she was still showing signs of only wanting to take the bottle from "Miss". Trevor and I went to a friend's birthday celebration and had a great time -- it was nice to have a little adult time. Of course, I missed the girls like crazy and was SO ready to see them the next day (the push-me, pull-me effect).
Darby Kate is so fun to have little conversations with. She is very animated and gets very excited when she is telling you about somepin' (something). She still says "otay" which I think is so cute......but for the most part, her other words are coming out much more clear.
She is still sleeping in a diaper. She usually has already taken it off when she comes and sees me in the morning. Depending on what she slept in the previous night will determine whether she is in the buff, or is without undies. For a few nights recently, she felt as though she needed to eat her meals completely nude. Not sure why, but she was determined to take off all of her clothes before eating. Craziness!
I have soooooooooo many more pictures I need to post and stories to tell.........will try to better.......??? Just know that we are having a blast and loving these girls to pieces!!
Oh and Trev and I are doing well, too. He's busy with work and recently put a small dent in the turkey population. I have been busy with the WCR clinic, community activities and training for a few tris. I did my first tri as a mommy of two this past weekend -- had a blast! This weekend we are headed to Dallas to participate in our first "Urban Dare". Will keep you posted!! :)

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