Monday, October 29, 2012

Body, Mind and Spirit

I'm feeling a little flustered. I had the wonderful opportunity to take advantage of this beautiful weather and beautiful day and do my long run. Today's goal: 10 miles. I don't have a specific race I'm training for right now, but I usually increase my running distance in the fall/winter because I enjoy running in cool weather. I do one long run and 3-4 shorter/middle distance runs. I increase the long run by one mile per week. Because I do not have a specific race -- I told myself that I canNOT move onto a different distance (skip a mile) until I've met that specific goal. Last weeks goal: 10 miles. What happened? Before I set out for my long run last week, I had a negative mindset. The weather was warm and muggy. I was worried about potential pain in my hip and knee (IT Band related). I was Debbie Downer. Guess what? I only made it to mile 5 when I stopped and walked. I finished the day at mile 7.  So, that's why today's goal was 10 as well. Remember: no moving on until the goal is complete! This time, beautiful day, beautiful weather, perfect temp.....things were going well. Until about mile 6.....I will try not to go into too many details, but let's just say that mother nature was making an urgent call. I tried to ignore it. I tried to take my mind to another place. I tried relaxing some places while fighting with all my might not to relax others. I pushed on, determined to make it to mile 10 today. I had a chance to turn towards my house around mile 6.5 for a pitstop, but pushed on because I KNEW that if I walked inside the doors of my home, I wouldn't get back out there. Mother nature did not go away. As much as I wanted her to -- she was very persistent. (have you seen Bridesmaids.....yeah, no need to explain further) So much so, that I gave in and headed home. As I entered the doors, my Garmin read 8.65. DEFEATED once again. Beat by MIND one week, beat by BODY the next. Fortunately, I have a very determined SPIRIT and I will give it a go next week!! (and will try and remember NOT to eat Mexican the night before! ha!)

Can you believe it's the week of Halloween? Craziness! We had a little "dress rehearsal" at our "Holyween" Carnival at church yesterday. The girls looked precious (of course!). I will have pictures to post soon. Despite my dreams of super-cute themed Halloween costumes, they looked adorable in their individual outfits. A witch, a mermaid and a strawberry! Love my girls!

1 comment:

  1. So very glad you're back to blogging! Love reading about and seeing pics of the Coffees'!
