In the past, not having a picture of an event may have kept me from blogging about it.
For one reason or another...
Often, it's a picture that brings the moment back to life. Triggers thoughts and emotions...and then the words just come.
Tonight, I have no pictures from our special visitors, but wanted to record the memory anyway. My brother and his fam came for a visit. It was fast and furious. But, it was fun. Special. Time shared with cousins. Giggles, squeals, and shrills of joy.
There were times when a crazy gathering like this would be taken for granted.
Not any more.
Time is too precious. Life is short.
This moment did not go unnoticed.
It left a craving...
dreaming and hoping for more.
This is very touching to me, Jo. I am so thankful you treasure family visits. They are precious, indeed! Love you!