Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sugar's Day - last day of kindergarten


My big-little girl.

Sigh again.



What a difference a year makes (and that's a, that's nine months).

She's growing so fast it hurts.

Sugar's graduation day was pushed back due to severe weather, so, we decided to pick her up early from school and make a day of it!

on the way to school...

these pics are out of order...I used my phone's carmera for some and now that they are on here -- I'm not sure how to move them around (at least not easily)


lunch for the graduate at Dos Locos

Sugar chose a corn dog for the meal of the day...

She was FREEZING at this point. Soaking wet clothes, plus cool breeze, plus snow cone = chattering teeth!

We stopped by the office to see Hot Coffee and show him Sugar's medal!

Ready for water-play at church!

No....Bean is not crying. That is her sleepy-I-need-to-rest THROW my head back an CHEESE look!

Mrs. Wachob had her students wash off their desks with shaving cream!

classroom buddies

photo bombed!

Love that wrinkled nose grin -- no doubt she's happy.

Love those little water-wrinkled toes

what a great year!

1 comment:

  1. I am just now seeing this today! What wonderful pictures documenting such an important day in DK's life! Love, love each of the many aspects of her precious personality! Love, Bebe
